Saturday, August 9, 2008


Today a gentlemen I worked with quit to go back to school. He was a pretty nice fella. Sure he was Catholic. But, he was still a nice guy. I have been working on this guy to see him saved before he left the company. I failed.
But he left me with this. He said "---- many people here consider your views radical stay a nice guy though".

I have been called many things by many people but never radical. Perhaps my impact has been seen and felt finally by my co workers. On one hand I hope so. I hope that I have lifted up Jesus high enough to were Jesus as it is written will draw all men unto Him. On the other hand I hope that I haven't done a detriment to fundamentalism either.

Paramount to all the above though. I hope I have lifted Jesus high and exalted God above everything. J Frank Norris did a great job of this and despite what others may say I think Brother Jack Schaap still does a good job of this even today.

Are we as fundamentalists radical? Ask yourself "Am I Radical"?

Finally I'll leave with one of my favorite quotes by J Frank Norris:

"I believe in a Supernatural Bible; which tells of a Supernatural Christ who had a Supernatural Birth; Who speaks Supernatural Words; Who performs Supernatural miracles, Who lived a Supernatural life while on earth, Who died a Supernatural death; Who rose in Supernatural power; Who ascended in a Supernatural splendor; Who now intercedes as a Supernatural Priest and Who will one day return in Supernatural glory to establish a Supernatural Kingdom on earth."

ADDENDUM: Please consider the last post in this blog before this one. Jack Schaap/ FBC have done a great deal of harm to fundamentalism and I am sure many lives as well. I sincerely apologize for my statement in regard to Mr. Schaap, I love him in the Lord and wish him well. I just wish the man would repent.

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