Friday, June 12, 2009

Been Awhile

What I Have Observed

I have learned a lot in the past 2 almost 3 years (?) I have been in "fundamentalism". I started out with my family in a "Hyles" church (and I use the term church loosely) and am now no longer a member of said Hyles church. I have been to 3 different IFB college's and their respective churches. I have seen the many fractures that make up "fundamentalism" and the many fights that go on in these circles. I gotta tell ya I am amazed.

I have separated from the church we started out in because of the repentance issue. I believe in the Bible's definition of repentance and the church I pulled me and my family out of does not. For the record I believe that repentance is:

"a supernatural work of God whereby a responsive sinner, being convicted by the Holy Spirit, of his rebellion turns to God from his sinful ways and trusts Jesus Christ for salvation (II Tim. 2.25, Jn. 16.8, Acts 11.18;26.20). Repentance means more than sorrow or regret or despair or grief. It is also more than mere confession or acknowledgement of sin. Pharoah, Saul and Judas did all of that but did not excercise biblical repentance (Ex 9.27, I Sam 17.24 ;24.17; 26.21; Mat. 27.3-4). Biblical repentance means a turning to God and a change of mind toward God that results in a change of life Mat. 3.1-2, Lk. 5.32; 13.1-3; 18.13; Ac. 2.38; 5.31; 17.30; 20.21; 26.20; II Pe. 3.9). There are 2 types of repentance: 1. Repentance for un-believers of salvation (Lk. 13.3; Ac. 2.38). 2. Repentance for believers from daily sin (Rev. 2:5, 16, 21-22). David Cloud W.O.L. encyclopedia"

The church I have pulled me and my family out believes that repentance is :

"That the only sin we need to repent of is un belief since un-belief sends us to Hell. So repentance is going from un belief to belief. To quote them directly: It can't be clearer. Repent means to turn from unbelief to belief in Christ"

Separation is hard. But, separation is Biblical and necessary. I am out of the "Baptist City" circus and couldn't be better for it either.

Where We're Going/ The Calling

In the first weekend of June I took the family on vacation with a purpose if you will. The purpose was to find out if this bible college was where I believed the Lord was leading me to go. Having seen what I did over the weekend I believe that this is just the case. I talked to the preacher and he preaches biblical repentance and was patient and humble. He answered all of my questions without reservation. I toured the campus and met a lot of the people there. My family and I attended a Sunday service and was very impressed from Sunday School/Service to Sunday Evening. But, chief among this was that I believe God is honored and glorified at the college. I believe they are preaching the Bible here and I believe my family will be able to grow spiritually there as well.

What I Am Going To Have To Do

Now comes the hard part. I gotta buckle down and get the house re habbed and get it on the market. Soon as it sells I need to find a new job in the area we are moving to and a place to live. It appears I am not alone in having done this although. There were a lot of people who have done just such (like the blessed family that hosted us) and were more than willing to help shoulder our burdens. I know it may be difficult road ahead, but we'll never be alone. God is good.

If your still reading thanks for your patience. Wadsworth or Longfellow I am not.

But, it was nice to get this much out.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Am Settled

I am settled on the fact that I am a preservationist. I believe that God perfectly preserved His Word for the english speaking people in the King James Bible.

I know that this will certainly alienate many people and that is totally fine with me. I have seen the overwhelming evidence for it and I am convinced. The fact that those who side with the critical text are liars is enough in and of itself.

The fact that I have run across the path of much more intelligent and spiritually mature individuals than I only serves to further re inforce the fact.

You may call me cultic or a nut (at least I am fastened to the right post!) but I am settled.


Been awhile since I last made an entry.

For me its no small wonder I keep really busy and am easily distracted.

I myself have been forced to re examine how I as a Christian regard our present culture as a whole. I always was certain there that there was no re deeming value to be found in liberal newspapers/magazines, TV, some books, technology, art and music.

What I never realized until I started reading more was that there others like me as well. These people are railing against this modern culture and its culpability in destroying the Church. Preachers who don't preach on culture and its ills are aiding this slide.

It seems to me anyway that we have so many amusements that preachers are forced to preach in a manner that will entertain rather than feed the flock. We don't have any musements, where we have to actually sit and read and discern what God is saying to us in His Word. We would rather be a mused (or put the grey matter into cruise control). We cannot process linear thought. If we cannot or do not want to how can we know with any certainty what the will of God is for our lives. We fall prey to any wind of doctrine.

All this of course is my opinion of course.

But, I maintain that you reap what you sow. Bible says:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
(Gal 6:7-8)
You get something from what you sow or put in.

When I was a kid and we went to the zoo we'd put a quarter into the slot at a machine and watch as the wheels would turn and gears would grind an injection molded plastic monkey. Put in a quarter get a monkey. Wow!!

What I am trying to say is if we'll sacrifice our gray matter in the name of entertainment then we will lose something in the process. If we absorb ourselves in every aspect of culture ,knowing culture shapes meaning, then perhaps we sacrifice who we are in Christ as well.

Its a thought.